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El cardenal Francis Moran denunció en 1905 el uso manipulado de la historia para justificar la discriminación de los católicos en el imperio Británico y argumentaba que fue el católico Quirós el primer europeo que descubre Australia y era injusta esa postergación.
He aquí un resumen de las bases que demuestran la persistencia del prejuicio, y de que este es parte de un discurso oficial que oculta uno de los viajes más planificados y secretos de la historia. Podríamos sumar las acusaciones de alteraciones de yacimientos arqueológicos, la sustitución –por defecto– de exploraciones españolas por portuguesas u holandesas. Una guerra cultural que debe superarse.
Redeunt Saturnia Regna; When Universal Commerce shall vigorate the hand of Industry, by supplying the mutual Wants, and maintaining the Common-Rights of ALL MANKIND; instead of the Lives and Property of the People being sported away; at the caprice of a Fool! or a Tyrant!
How far the Right of Discovery, without occupancy, can be constructed to extend over uninhabited Countries, I shall not at present enquire; but Common Sense must evince that Europeans, visiting Countries already inhabited, can acquire no right in such Countries but from the good will of the Friendly Inhabitants, or by Conquest of Those who are Agressoes in Acts of Injury; (...) the European is not sufficiently explaining his peaceable intentions, and the Native is not readily apprehending those intentions.
(...) and the Map of the discovered parts of the New World, in the Rome Edition of Ptolemy 1508, expressly says, The Portuguese had then traced the Coast to 50º South without reaching Its Southern Extremity; and this Book, coming into the World with License of Pope Julius II, under date 28th July 1506, must be admitted, by His Catholic Majesty, as infallible Authority (...)
Mapa de Desliens (1560), onde a Austrália, chamada Java Grande, tem bandeiras portuguesas. Acrescem 4 bandeiras na zona do Canadá, e uma possível representação da ponta da Antárctida ao sul. |
El cardenal Francis Moran denunció en 1905 el uso manipulado de la historia para justificar la discriminación de los católicos en el imperio Británico y argumentaba que fue el católico Quirós el primer europeo que descubre Australia y era injusta esa postergación.
He aquí un resumen de las bases que demuestran la persistencia del prejuicio, y de que este es parte de un discurso oficial que oculta uno de los viajes más planificados y secretos de la historia. Podríamos sumar las acusaciones de alteraciones de yacimientos arqueológicos, la sustitución –por defecto– de exploraciones españolas por portuguesas u holandesas. Una guerra cultural que debe superarse.
Redeunt Saturnia Regna; When Universal Commerce shall vigorate the hand of Industry, by supplying the mutual Wants, and maintaining the Common-Rights of ALL MANKIND; instead of the Lives and Property of the People being sported away; at the caprice of a Fool! or a Tyrant!
How far the Right of Discovery, without occupancy, can be constructed to extend over uninhabited Countries, I shall not at present enquire; but Common Sense must evince that Europeans, visiting Countries already inhabited, can acquire no right in such Countries but from the good will of the Friendly Inhabitants, or by Conquest of Those who are Agressoes in Acts of Injury; (...) the European is not sufficiently explaining his peaceable intentions, and the Native is not readily apprehending those intentions.
(...) and the Map of the discovered parts of the New World, in the Rome Edition of Ptolemy 1508, expressly says, The Portuguese had then traced the Coast to 50º South without reaching Its Southern Extremity; and this Book, coming into the World with License of Pope Julius II, under date 28th July 1506, must be admitted, by His Catholic Majesty, as infallible Authority (...)
Mapa de Desliens (1560), onde a Austrália, chamada Java Grande, tem bandeiras portuguesas. Acrescem 4 bandeiras na zona do Canadá, e uma possível representação da ponta da Antárctida ao sul. |